Friday, November 20, 2009

Article link:

Article Title: High School Drama

There was this girl in high school that got to be good friends with a very popular girl. She then saw the popular girl going through someone’s bag and gave her a mad look. The popular girl took offense to it and they stopped talking. Then the popular girl put a picture of 3 obese people having sex and titled it with her and her parent’s names. There was also an altered picture of her.

I thought that this girl took their disagreement way too far to have put bad pictures of her online. The popular girl seemed to have no reason for disliking the other one in the first place. I believe that there should be more consequences for taking these kinds of actions against people that you dislike.

It didn’t say what happened to the bully in the article. The one girl’s father did go to the principal about the incident though. The person being bullied was so embarrassed that she was afraid to show her face in school.

The girl that was bullied could have been more cautious of the friends that she made. She probably had an idea of how mean the girl could be to other people. Another way of preventing this would be to have a stricter AUP on the site that she posted these pictures.

This really doesn’t apply to me because I’m not obese. This could apply to society though because it shows you how cruel people can be. I’m sure that this kind of thing happens all the time. People need to know how to ignore these actions taken against them. They should make light of it and not try to go out and kill themselves over these things.


  1. I think this shows you should pick friends because they are like you and like what you like not just because they are popular.

  2. The girl that did this should have been punished very harshly. It was horrible what she did to the other girl.

  3. I think that the girl went a little too far with the pictures. She shouldn't of went into the girls bag and got the pictures in the first place.

  4. At first you should try to ignore the problem. If the person or group of people persists with the bullying, then it would be time to tell someone about it.

  5. She should have told. The bullier had no reason to even start this. Some people are just (word censored).

  6. That pretty messed up what that popular girl did. All that girl was going to do probably is tell her taking stuff out of peoples bags is not good and to not do it. She went way to far with the picture and putting it online.
