Friday, February 26, 2010

DOS is a Microsoft Disk operating system
Booting is the first program to be executed when the computer is switched on
DOS is text based.To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt where you enter a command.Case insensitive means that it doesn't matter whether it is in caps or lowercase.
An example would be DeLeTe
4 useful things to learn about DOS.
SET PATH=directory path force DOS to look in these directories
? in a file name stands for any digit letter
* in a file name means a wildcard which extension text in a directory
. in a directory path stands for the current directory
7 very useful DOS commands. Explain each.
A:floppy disk Drive
C:the hard disk drive
DIR directory
MD make a new directory
CD change current directry
COPY copy files from one place to another
DEL delete
DOS organizes disks by all programs and data files are named, and grouped together in named directories
Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include 1-8 letter name, period, 3 letter extension
An example: ZACH.gif
In DOS directories named by same format as filenames drive letter is followed by a colon and seperated by backwords slashes
An example would be "A:/pictures/holiday /france"

Monday, February 22, 2010

This is a robot crab. The robot can walk at different speeds and change directions while keeping its stability.

This logo is for fox racing which makes and sells motocross clothing. The colors do not mean anything. I like it because I love to ride dirtbikes.

I chose the things that I chose because I thought that it looked cool.

My static cling would look like this because I go to Glenvar and this is my number in football.
picture here.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Computer Game
Design Story: You have differently shaped objects all contain 4 blocks that will move down. Your objective is to make complete lines horizontally and for each line you recieve points. You can rotate the shape using the space bar and move left, right or down using the arrow keys. After you recieve a certain number of lines or points you will move on to the next level. As the levels go up your shapes will move faster. The game ends when the blocks get stacked to the top of the screen.
Keys to play: space bar and arrow keys

Video Game
Design story: In this game you are a spaceship battling against other enemy ships. Your objective is to destroy all the other ships. You have 3 lives and once you destroy all the ships on one level you move on to the next. At every 3rd level there is a bonus stage where you try to shoot as many ships as possible. You recieve points for each destroyed spaceship. The controls are the left and right arrows to move and the space bar to fire.
Keys to play: left and right arrow keys and space bar

Friday, November 20, 2009

Article link:

Article Title: High School Drama

There was this girl in high school that got to be good friends with a very popular girl. She then saw the popular girl going through someone’s bag and gave her a mad look. The popular girl took offense to it and they stopped talking. Then the popular girl put a picture of 3 obese people having sex and titled it with her and her parent’s names. There was also an altered picture of her.

I thought that this girl took their disagreement way too far to have put bad pictures of her online. The popular girl seemed to have no reason for disliking the other one in the first place. I believe that there should be more consequences for taking these kinds of actions against people that you dislike.

It didn’t say what happened to the bully in the article. The one girl’s father did go to the principal about the incident though. The person being bullied was so embarrassed that she was afraid to show her face in school.

The girl that was bullied could have been more cautious of the friends that she made. She probably had an idea of how mean the girl could be to other people. Another way of preventing this would be to have a stricter AUP on the site that she posted these pictures.

This really doesn’t apply to me because I’m not obese. This could apply to society though because it shows you how cruel people can be. I’m sure that this kind of thing happens all the time. People need to know how to ignore these actions taken against them. They should make light of it and not try to go out and kill themselves over these things.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009



An emotion is a expression of the way you feel.

An emoticon is a symbol showing how you are feeling.

10 examples of emoticons and what they mean.

:) happy

:( sad

:D excited

:/ unsure

:p gotcha

:Q smoking

;) wink

.-) cyclops

:[+] dumb guy smile

:-o suprised

Texting Acronyms

An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name.

10 appropriate examples texting/IMing acronyms are:

lol laugh out loud

gtg got to go

brb be right back

u you

4 for

lmk let me know

brt be right there

idk I don't know

b4 before

r are

an AUP stands for Acceptable Use Policy and is a written policy that a user must agree to follow before they are allowed to use a product or service.

An AUP is used at Glenvar for our laptops we are required to sign a agreement before we recieve them.

5 rules and their importance are:

no games because they distract you and others from school work

don't download anything to your laptop because it could cause your computer to crash

stay off of streaming media because it uses a lot of bandwidth and slows everyones computers

don't try to get by security this could cause your computer to get a virus on a unblocked website

treat laptop responsibly because you will need it for four years and they are expensive

AUP policies at jobs restrict workers from using facebook, web surfing, and personal email accounts

AUP's are necessary because without them too much time would be wasted by employees not doing their work while on the job

If I was the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to internet, I would have restrictions on what my employees could do. They wouldn't be able to use their personal email accounts or facebook etc... I also wouldn't allow surfing the internet but I would be more leanient on my employees talking on the phone to family once in a while.

5 rules for internet etiquette.
Behave as though you are communicating in person
remember that your words are open to interpretation
do not "shout" online
do not "flame" other users
do not send spam

This article is saying that you should always check the rules when you go online. You need to check the appropriate use policy on web sites. This will help to keep the internet civilized. There are punishments for violations of these policies such as having your account cancelled.
7 "netiquettes"
behave as though you are communicating in person-act like you are talking in person
remember that your words are open to interpretation- if you say something jokingly it can be taken wrong
do not "shout" online-this is when you use all caps
do not "flame" other users- this is insulting someone
do not send spam- these are uninvited messages
do not distribute copyrighted material-this is posting without the owner's permission
do not be a coward- don't conceal your identity to misbehave

I believe that netiquette is critical to the internet without it, it would be difficult to benifit from the internet

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


1. What is HTML?2. What is a tag? Give an example.3. Explain "open" and "close" tags4. Steps to create a HTML site (BE VERY THOROUGH!!! I should be able to create my own site from your instructions on this one!)5. Give 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste6. How do YOU feel about HTML? What did you know already? What do you know now? Will this help you with anything in the futre? Why/Why not?

1 HTML is hyper text markup language HTML codes are interpreted by the web browser to format documents in a particular way.
2 a tag is a code, surrounded by angle brackets ( <> ), to define a format change, or hypertext link
3 the open tag goes at the beginning of the hypertext and the closed tag goes at the end
4 To create a HTML site you first need to make a folder in your my documents labeled website
Next you begin creating your site by going to google to find the html code for a title
Once you find it you copy and paste it into your source and put in whatever you want your title to be
In order to get to your source you have to go to view then source on your website
Then you repeat this until you are done
Each time you make a change you need to save and close out of the source page
6 I feel like i know a lot more about html now before we did this i knew almost nothing. Now I know how to create a website by using html code. I think that this could help me in the future if I ever do need to create a website for myself or for a future job.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First : Explain the purpose of the ethernet cable.
Second: Materials needed
Third: Instructions (INCLUDE COLORS! You may want to change the font color to match for the order.. just an idea.)
Fourth: How to test
Fifth: Give a personal statment about the first time you created an ethernet cable - How hard was it? How many times did you mess up? What would you do differently now that you have a correct cord?
Sixth: Words of encouragement to the new ethernet cable builder :)
Seventh: Include at least one photo of an ethernet cable (one that looks like yours!)

The purpose of the ethernet cable is to connect computing devices together directly where they would normally be connected via a network switch, hub or router, such as directly connecting two personal computers via their network adapters.

Materials needed- networking cable, 2 RJ-45 jacks, cable cutting pliers

1) pull cable out to desired length

2) strip wire so that the RJ-45 jack clamps down on the original wire

3) spread out wires

4) going from left to right put wires in order light orange, dark orange, light green, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light brown, then dark brown.

5) clip part facing down put wires in their slots

6) make sure wires are far enough in to make a connection

7) use pliers to clamp RJ-45 onto the wire

8) then repeat steps on the other side

To test we used a module cable tester

I didn't find it to be very difficult to create a ethernet cable it worked correctly for me the first time.

Just follow the directions and be careful. Always double check yourself before you clamp the RJ-45.